Tuesday, July 09, 2013


Today is the quintessential summer day in Nebraska. Temps are expected to be in the middle to upper 90s with 73% humidity. Which makes the mid 90s feel like anywhere from 104-108 degrees. And the humidity also adds greatly to the discomfort factor. Its muggy and thick. You can feel when you breathe. Your clothes instantly start feeling heavy and wet. You break out into an instant sweat just walking to the mail box. And its not just armpit sweat, people...its sweat from everywhere! I mean your eyelids even sweat. Its crazy! You seriously feel like you just stepped out of the shower, but with your clothes on.

And another indicator of the how intense the humidity is -   I walked out of the garage for maybe five seconds to see if the sprinklers were running and my glasses completely fogged over. Nice, huh!?

I like summer weather, but high humidity factors are such a kill joy! My cottage in Ireland looks sooooo much more appealing around this time of year.

Anyway, I'm thinking about this lovely hot weather because tonight our daughter has a softball game. And the weather for last week's game was P-E-R-F-E-C-T! Dreamy with a slight breeze! Seriously wonderful. And tonight won't be. :( Good thing it's a later game!

Here's to channeling cool thoughts of fall weather to get us through the day! 

Ahhhh. Crunchy fallen leaves, sweaters, cotton knits and boots. Can't wait! 

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