Thursday, December 09, 2010

Christmas decorations!

Our house is beginning to look all Christmas-y and I'm lovin' it!

Here's a sneak peek into our home!

Wreathes are obviously one of my favorites! Wintery, plain and understated- perfect for the whole winter season. In the future I would like my 2nd story window wreathes to be on the outside...but with John's bum foot and my inherent clumsiness....I think I'll live with them on the inside this year!

No Christmas lights...which is fine- we never had them growing up either. But I do like this idea...and maybe instead of wreathes on the second story we do these swaggy things...

Saturday is baking day so not only will the house look festive- but it will smell yummy as well! Gotta love the holidays!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You have a beautiful home. I love your decorations.