Enjoy every moment with family and friends- because you just never know!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Our Spring Break
We headed down to Texas over spring break to visit the Kelly's (Gma and Gpa Kelly who are John's parents). The day after arriving, we heard some tragic news about a long time employee and friend. The rest of trip left us with heavy hearts and minds that were elsewhere. We made the best out of the time we had- as we all headed back early to make the funeral.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Another thing they told us she'd never do...
We accepted a long time ago that there would be limitations to the things Pucca would be able to do. Monkey bars, tree climbing, jumping rope, the crawl stroke in swimming etc.
Well, as you know from previous posts...monkey bars and tree climbing have been checked off that list- she has mastered them! Even rock climbing which she did at least twice a day during our cruise last summer.
Last week Pucca was very upset because she couldn't jump rope. It was the focus the last two weeks in PE and she was the only one who couldn't do it. You had to be able to jump rope 10 times in a row to pass. Her teacher told her if she didn't do it then she would fail that focus for gym class (her gym teacher is very aware of Pucca's condition and would never punish or fail her for activities she physically can't do- I'm 100% sure she was trying to motivate Pucca into at least trying).
The first week she came home all upset and teary eyed. Basically a pity party. We kept telling her to try- there are lots of things you aren't supposed to be able to do, but can! So just try!
By week two this is what she's figured out. (and yes she's doing that in our living room- what can I say!?)
C2S2 Summit
Here are some photos of the twins presenting at the Student Summit.

Here's a photo of the other sites in Illinois, Alaska and Virginia with whom we were conferencing with via satellite.

And here are the twins and their friend Avery presenting.
And here's there powerpoint. I was trying to get their voice over on the slide show, but I haven't quite figured that out. But the message still gets through!
C2 s2 water wars
View more presentations from audraekelly.
****I noticed some of the photos and graphical information isn't coming up- sorry! Like I said...haven't quite figured it out yet! ;(
Monday, March 14, 2011
Remember this little incident involving pond water, jugs, mud and a missing shoe!?
Well...they must not have, because the twins came home last week with two jugs requesting more pond water for science class.
This was the same week that it was 15 degrees outside with wind up to 30 mph. I immediately said "no." (in as cool and collected manner as possible- with out totally wringing their necks!)
Then as I thought about it more... I decided to make them go with me to collect the water this time and maybe this lesson would teach them to think twice before volunteering their mother to do things.
So before school one morning, just before 7 am, we went over to Holmes Lake. It was a lovely 12 degrees outside, spitting rain and wind blowing so hard it nearly knocked you down. LOVELY I thought- it was so perfect!
Now take those conditions time 5 and that's what it was like going down to the lake front and feeling that frigidness blow off the water. Pure ice to the bone. I was going to make them crawl down the rocks, but my 'OCD-motherliness' (totally not a word but owell!) kicked in. And I started worrying about all the mud they would track in and how dirty they would get. And then I started factoring in that Kwynnie is klutzy (with a capital KLUTZ) and she would probably end up falling in the lake and then I would have to fish her out and then I would be even more cold and not happy and we'd have to go home which would make us late for school and...you get the picture.
So I drove to the boat dock (much easier!). But it was still freezing and a horrid experience. I don't think they will be volunteering for more pond water anytime soon!

Kwynnie is laughing hysterically because I told her to be careful and not fall in! Then as she was bending down to fill her jug she about fell face first in the lake. Kynna and I just watched and shook our heads- no way we were going in too!

Yep- this is how dark it was and just as cold as it looks! Brrrrrr!

Here's Kynna making sure her jug is COMPLETELY full so she for sure has enough and doesn't have to come back for more. I definitely think a lesson was learned!
Birthday breakfast
Kwynn made the eggs:

Pucca made the pancakes (kynna helped mix them and pucca did the flipping):

Kynna also helped prepare the tray...it ended up looking very good! Notice how she garnished the eggs with fresh cut chives!? A little martha in the making!

Not really sure why Kwynn is making that face...probably because I told them "to act like you like eachother".
John's birthday was a quiet day at home doing not much of anything. It was nice...really nice actually! I might start requesting that for my birthday too! :)
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