Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Well, actually Valentine's is tomorrow but I thought I had better get with my blog before the craziness of the girls' vday parties tomorrow. Corynn has hers in the morning and McKynna and Kwynn's are in the afternoon. BUSY day! I have a subscription to this awesome magazine (thanks, Nancy!) and it had a ton of super cute vday ideas! The first one was dipped-strawberry roses. They looked really cute - but I wasn't sure I wanted to do all that work. Turns out it wasn't that much work and they were a hit at church on Sunday!

They are just strawberries on kabob skewers then I wrapped the stems with floral tape and attached fake leaves. They are better though if you let them refrigerate over night... the sugar from the white chocolate makes the strawberries sweeter. The other idea was a valentine for the teachers. You make a trapezoid/rectangle of white construction paper and use red and yellow markers to draw stripes going up and down the box so it looks like a theater bag of popcorn. Then put a tag on it that says...it may sound corny, but I think your the best-est! and then attach a bag of microwave popcorn to the back slightly sticking out of the popcorn bag. I didn't take a picture of it before the girls took their valentines to school this morning. But it was cute and different! And the girls were happy to have made their valentines.

Anyway... I had a lot of fun this year making the girls valentines with them for school and decorating Corynn's valentine box! This mom thing is getting to be fun. Everyone is sleeping through the nights. Everyone is potty-trained. Everyone is able to dress themselves. And everyone is able to help out with chores. No strollers! ITS GREAT!


Christy said...

The strawberries were awesome! Mine didn't last very long---so yummy!

I'm looking forward to the day when I have no more potty training, strollers, etc... But, I'm still trying to enjoy it while I have it.

Audra said...

Christy- don't get me wrong i love being a mom and all the mommy things that go with it...just wait until they become self-sufficient... its takes you to another level of loving being a mom! =)