John had to be out out of town this Halloween for work- so I went at it alone with the kids. Here's a picture of them in their costumes.
Kynna was a girl vampire (her bestfriend, Justin, was it was perfect for her!)
Kwynn was a ghost (she just wanted her hair painted and makeup- so she was easy to please)
Corynn was sleeping beauty (it came down to the wire with her decision on what to be...she kept saying she was going to be a princess-pirate-ghost- but I think we all knew that in the end she would be a princess. Its puka the family princess, afterall!)
Here are the Halloween "boo- hoos" and "woo- hoos":
Boo-hoo: Emma ate Kwynn's jackolantern, well actually just the mouse part of it and three suckers.
Woo-hoo: Proved that I was sooooo right and the dog is still a puppy.
Woo-hoo: We had pumpkin pie for dessert last night- complete with spray can whip topping.
Boo-hoo: I sprayed some whip topping in Corynn's mouth and just as I finished she sneezed and it went all over me.
Boo-hoo: It was cold last night- so we didn't do much trick or treating
woo-hoo: It was cold last night- so we didn't do much trick or treating