Thursday, November 15, 2007

Jumping the gun!

Last year I had great success ordering the majority of our Christmas gifts online. It was super easy, a huge selection (the sky was the limit on where to shop) and they came right to my door (which means no carting kids around the mall)!

So this year I continued with the trend and once again ordered online. Boxes have been arriving for the last week and the kids are becoming quite inquisitive. Especially Corynn- she wants to know what everyone will be getting.

So I have had to go from this:

To this:

(and yes- some of those are recycled bows from my mother-in-law. But they are too pretty to just toss!)

Corynn also wrapped some presents yesterday. They are toys for her babies.

She wrapped them all by herself... and she only used a roll and a half of tape! :o)

I usually have strong opinions about Christmas stuff being out before Thanksgiving. It's tradition to put up the tree and decorations the day after - but I am thinking I may start this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. That really stinks when everyone is sick!

I know what you mean about Christmas things- i really want to my things out too, but I know its too early. Although I have been hearing Christmas songs since Halloween- so what does that say?