Wednesday, February 07, 2007

If you can't laugh at yourself...

This week has been unusually stressful. I am not sure why... nothing major has happened...but just one of those weeks. I am sitting here tonight working on the computer and what do I happen upon- but these crazy pix! One night I was feeling crazy and took these pictures with the camera on the computer and it has led me to this conclusion-

Life is and will be crazy and overwhelming at times and it is at these times we find out who we truly are as people. If we can laugh at our circumstances and/or at ourselves then all will fine...but it is when we quit laughing that things get scary! If you aren't in a position to laugh at yourself- feel free to laugh at me... so enjoy these pictures and remember them if you ever need a good laugh! Enjoy!


Amanda said...

Thanks for the laugh Audra.

Anonymous said...