Thursday, November 15, 2007

Play time

The girls have been talking about playing in the leaves. Corynn has been talking about it for weeks. Well, finally our big tree dropped its leaves. So tonight I started raking the front yard.

When the end of my rake broke off and I had to quit for the night... the girls decided to take full advantage of my lovely leaf pile.

I finally gave in to Corynn's pleadings.... and buried her.

Ahhhh- it was so worth having to rake up the leaves...AGAIN!


Christy said...

Just had to let you know that I had a dream about your family last night. You were having a baby and it was another girl. Then the doctor said you had another one, too! It was a boy. So you had two sets of twins and Corynn in the middle. She kept saying, "Now I'm the special one because I don't have a twin!!!". It was crazy. Your babies were really cute, too!

Deb said...

Great pictures and it looks like you all had so much fun!

Audra said...

Christy- that would be perfect! Considering John would really like a boy and I am fine with girls - plus I think I only have one more pregnancy in me... I hated being pregnant!

Guess we will wait and see!- Maybe next year!