It is important to have manners because it all ties into being safe in the lab.
If we weren’t respectful we would not care and not follow the rules. We would not be respectful of one another tools or projects. We would not worry about each other’s safety. You need to have manners to show you’re at least a decent person.
At the worst we would fight, let’s say BOB and JOE are fighting in the lab over something. Bob pulls on the piece of wood and Joe lets go of the wood. Bob would hurl back and possibly damage the machine. Bob could bump someone who was working at let’s say the band saw. The working person would be pushed into the “ line of fire” on the band saw, which would potentially put the person’s fingers in harm. Plus where did Bob land? He landed on the floor where he probably hit his head. Now Bob was angry so instead of walking off and letting it go, he went over and hit Joe. A chain reaction to chaos! Not good!
So it is important to have manners and to be safe, If we do that we shouldn’t make stupid mistakes or get hurt. And we all get along happily ever after.
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