Saturday, January 01, 2011

Holiday fun-ness! (and yes that's a word)

Merry Christmas (a little late) and Happy New Year! We had a wonderful holiday spent with both sides of the family. We visited my mom and grandparents in GI town and John's family at Camp Davey. We also made a quick trip to Hastings to see Gma T and sing carols. Its so fun to be with family and to just spend time together- visiting and reminiscing. We also met up with some friends and had a fun evening...its great having all the kiddos together! Wish we could do it more often.

Now can you believe we did that all in just 2 and half days!? Seriously- we got this holiday traveling bit down pat!

I can't believe how fast Christmas vacation went! The girls only had this week off and are back to school on Monday. But we do get a week long spring break in March and they are out before Memorial I can't complain too much!

Here are a few pix of our holiday goodness....(I didn't get any photos with our friends- because I was too busy holding a cute roley poley baby!)

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