Monday, August 10, 2009

Girls Night Out

For the girls bday last month, John and I got them tickets to see Taylor Swift! FINALLY- last night was the night! My mom came with us (didn't think there was anyway I was going to get John to attend with us...15,000 screaming girls from little kids to grown women. The theme of the night was mother/daughter- lots of them! It was really sweet to see so many together and of all ages. I did see a few dad's- always with a beer in their hand!).

Here the girls are decked out in Swift shirts and blinky strobe light sticks waiting for the main act! Thanks gma ski!

Before we left town - John had me run and get some ear plugs for the girls. They love music- but LOUD music not so much. So just some plugs to mute it down.

I kind of rolled my eyes at the thought! What's the point of going to a concert if you can't feel the musical beat vibrating your bowels and pounding in your head!? But as a good wifey and mother- I did as I was told! 4 pairs of earplugs- CHECK!

I gave my mom and the girls each a pair. Somewhere during Kelly Pickler, Kwynnie lost one of hers. So I gave her one from the left over pair in my pocket.

Soon after Ms Swift started I was really hoping I had that one back. NOT because the music was loud- but because of the screaming! GIRLS CAN SHRIEK LIKE THE BANSHEES OF HELL! I kept checking to see if the ear piercing screams and shrills had broken the screen on my phone and camera. My ears are still ringing...or is that the phone? Just a sec while I check...

Here's just a little taste of what I'm talking about- ignore the picture...its all about the sound. Oh and turn down your volume a bit- not responsible for any temporary deafness this may cause!

The girls were super cute and had alot of fun! I sent John a pic of them from my phone while we were waiting during a stage change. And then I thought it would be fun to send Jeff and Nancy (John's parents) one...they would get a kick out of it. I included the pic in a text. I was a little worried he wouldn't know how to open it or download the pic. So it was probably a lost cause. I almost fell out of my chair when my phone beeped indicating a text received from Jeff! Holy crap he texts! And pretty fair too! He even used text slang! Will wonders never cease!? He definitely earned some COOL GRANDPA points with the girls on that one!


Kindergarten Team said...

What a fun time! My aunt, cousin and her daughters went to the concert and they said it was probably the best show they had been to in a long time!

Audra said...

It was really good- she is a great entertainer!