Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our flowers

My great grandma and grandma on my mother's side of the family are gloriously fabulous mom not so much!(but that's ok! :0) I love plants and flowers, but I'm not even close to being as 'green-thumbed" as they are!

We had a little neighborhood party in our back yard last night- it was alot of fun! And then tonight we all ate dinner out there. If/when we move...I'm really going to miss our backyard and patio!

Here are a few pix of my backyard haven...

This is the side patio looking out along the house. My hanging baskets are looking like crap this year- not sure why?! I can't seem to get them perked up...owell! I'm pretty sure they won't make it through July anyway!

This is the side walk leading up to the driveway. (pic taken from the patio) This is my hodge-podge bed. I did alot of transplanting and couldn't bear throwing out the old plants- so they all ended up here. Sedum, lilies, hostas, and a few others.

Here are my Asian lilies... LOVE LOVE LOVE them- easiest plants in the world to grow and take care of!

Here's looking into the back yard from the side of the house. The hose is watering my raspberries- they NEED/LOVE the water!!!!!

These are our crazy raspberries- they are really growing like crazy! We should have some great produce this year!

Here's looking around the corner of the house into the back yard. I have one Boston fern- which isn't looking the greatest. But the other two ferns are actually indoor ferns- and they have been thriving!

This is the backside of the house - we're having concrete edging put in around this bed...but its looking like that won't happen until after we get back from vacation. The rainy weather has really played havoc on our concrete man's schedule. These are all plants that I had left over from thinning out other beds in the yard. The only thing I bought was an elephant's ear bulb...its just started blooming- but its not in the pic.

This is another picture of the back side of the house- but looking off the patio this time. The bed will come out farther from the house- but I wanted to wait until the concrete man came. I didn't want to screw up the drainage and have water running along the house. We live on a hill and water runs through our yard down the hill... so you have to be careful about the grade etc.

I'm planting more Asian lilies along the backside of the house to give the that bed some height and add more color.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Looks great! Wishing I had a yard at the moment...