Thursday, October 11, 2007

Conference updates for grandparents

Tuesday night we had conferences for McKynna and Kwynn. Here's the rundown:


  • She is in an accelerated math class and doing well with the objectives. She has a 4 (which is an A) They are working on multiplication and starting early algebra objectives.
  • She is doing extremely well in writing/English class. Her teacher is very impressed with her writing and summarizing skills. She is able to communicate her thoughts and views to paper very well. She gives long complex answers to open test questions and retains much of what she reads. She is being moved up to the accelerated writing/English class .
  • All of her teachers praised her for being polite, respectful and a natural leader. Her main teacher also mentioned how McKynna doesn't conform to the majority. She sticks to her point of view and she will elaborate on other kids answers. But is also respectful of the other children's opinions.
  • One area to work on- accepting criticism or correction. She tends to be a bit emotional and feels bad if she does something incorrectly or gets the answer wrong.
Overall- her teachers love her and she is a joy to have in class. She received 4s and 3s in everything- which means she is exceeding district standards. That's great because its only first quarter!


  • Kwynn is also in the accelerated Math class. And doing well and she has a 4.
  • She is also being moved up to the accelerated writing/English class. Her reading rate is currently 130 and average is 105. By the end of the year they need to be at 150. So that's good. She also has a unique voice to her writing. McKynna is very factual and logical in her writing. She will do great on essays as she gets older. Kwynn, on the other hand, is very creative and a great storyteller.
  • Kwynn is a great student. Listens well and always completes her assignments. She is quiet, sweet and a great student to have in class.
  • Kwynn is getting 4s and 3s in all her classes as well.
  • The only thing to work on with Kwynn is her emotional breakdowns. She is a perfectionist and gets upset if she doesn't catch on to something right away. She gets tear-y. So we need to work on her actions when she gets discouraged.
Overall- she is doing great!

Corynn- she is no longer at MSYC. And I am waiting until after vacation to put her back in preschool. But we are working on studies at home. Everyday she has a lesson. She is working on writing her letters and her spanish vocabulary. She is doing great on counting and number writing and continue to work on those. Her words and speech are coming along and we are working on enunciation.

She will be back at preschool soon and back on track for Kindergarten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I'm not a grandparent- but I was curious! I always knew your kids were smart. They would have to be with you as their mom! Have fun this weekend and let me know how it goes!