Saturday night we hung out with our friends and their families. The kids had a blast, swimming and playing wii (I think the adults had more fun!).

Here all the kids - ages range from 9 to 21 months

Here's Corynn and her friend- they are one month apart. In fact he was born on Corynn's due date...

Here is a pic of the FIVE generations of women on my side of the family!

Santa made a visit over to the Kelly's on Christmas Eve- It was very difficult trying to get a good picture of all the kids. Hopefully my brother in law snapped a better one!

Even my in laws got in on the Santa action.... too cute!
In the pic above, Nancy is holding a shoe- that' s because she is an avid Wii bowler and quite a pro! She can outscore all of us! So Santa brought her a monogrammed bowling shirt and used bowling shoes. It was really just TOO funny! She was a great sport!

Here she is striking her signature wii bowling pose - she also wearing the bowling shirt and shoes!
Christmas was really great! My brother, Jared and his family- me and the girls and my little brother Trev all went to the movies on Christmas day. We went and saw National Treasure 2. Going to a movie on Christmas day is tradition in my family- it was a pretty good movie too!
We really had a great time being back home and seeing the families! But its also great to be back home!
oh and on a side note... Emma didn't make the trip with us, instead she went to a doggie spa while we were away. She got to go swimming, had Christmas dinner, daily playdates with other dogs and one on one time with a trainer. I think she was just a little spoiled! But she seems happy to be home! The things we do for our dogs! my oh my!