Friday, May 13, 2011

Its better...finally!

I'm finally getting out of my pregnancy slump. You know the one where you are dead on your feet- so much so that you could sleep away an entire day and still go to bed before 9pm. And the ones where your mornings...and afternoons....and sometimes evenings - are plagued with nausea and hovering over the sink or toilet knowing with out a doubt that death HAS to be better than this.

Anyway- I think I'm finally rounding the curve (second trimester my a*#!). I'm now starting to think about and plan the nursery. Still haven't bought anything- though. Not quite there yet. Still scared and paranoid and just wanting to take it one day at a time.

BUT that doesn't mean my head hasn't been full of fun projects and ideas for the nursery! SO I took a huge step (at least for me)....I made something for the baby's room! A photo collage that I framed and will hang near the artwork project the girls are making.

What do you think?

I used a simple black frame with a thick white double mat. I'm thinking gray, white and butter yellow for nursery colors- but will add pops of color through out. I think this picture will be perfect!

Now for painting the dresser, buying a crib (and mattress), making the crib bedding (found the cutest fabric...I'll share in a future post), painting the cradle (and possibly raising it), finishing up the girls' artwork, making about a gazillion origami cranes in lieu of a mobile, getting a carseat, clothes, stroller, and..and...and...

1 comment:

Kindergarten Team said... know who can help you!!!! maybe some day there will be a "few" origami cranes at your doorstep!! :)