Tuesday, November 26, 2013

a quick catch up

These past few weeks have gotten away from me. So here are some of the happenings going on in/at the Kelly household. 

I just had to share this pic. The boy is the son of some close family friends. This was Halloween...isn't it cute! Him and his girlfriend (yes, they are only 10) were a zombie boy scout and zombie girl scout. 

Kwynn dressed in period clothes for a Titanic presentation in Oral Communications class. 

The twins are working on teaching Evie chess...hmmmmm

I clipped and dried the last of my herbs before the frost came. 

I went from this

to this. The long hair was bugging me. Couldn't help it...had to cut it off. 

 And I found a fantastic new pumpkin whoopie pie recipe! YUM and it's super easy! You can check it out here! Although I used caramel sauce instead of maple syrup in the icing. 

And that's what we've been up to!  

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