Here's a pic of Pucca - she fell asleep one night with it on.
As a carpooling/taxi-driving supermama- I decided this is one stresser I just don't need- especially when its in the morning- arguments seem to ruin my day!
So my solution to this problem...get the girls their own ipod shuffles. And they are on a serious discount since the ipod touches came out.

The girls have tons of primary songs on their shuffles too. Nothing against 'Once there was Snowman' - but you can only sing or listen to it so many times a day!
Let me tell you- our drives to GI, Omaha and Davey- have never been so quiet and peaceful! shhhhhhhh! Don't tell the girls that it was really a gift for mom! :)
There are some different renditions of "Once there was a Snowman" by this group that Mom might even sing along with. The cd "Primary Colors" and their new one "Sharing Time".
>http://www.insideout-acappella.com/ It sure is nice when you have the peace and quiet on those road trips.
I have those on my ipod- i was hoping to play them as the practice song in Relief society- but never got the chance. Can you imagine the women's faces!?
I totally agree, both of the older girls have their own, and I'm sure Whitney's not far behind. . .who can listen to Little Einsteins all day????
I remeber Primary songs, our 4 boys still listen sometimes. The oldest is 24, the youngest 14. Mellow music for you?
www.briancrain.com (simple life)
Thanks for letting me slip in and out of your private blog.
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