Monday, April 28, 2008


I was tagged by Rachel to tell about my husband/marriage... so here ya go!

What is your husband's name? John Vincent

How long have you been married? 10 years in September

Who eats more sweets? Me

Who said I love you first? Me

How old is he? 30

Who is taller? depends if I'm wearing tall shoes or not- we're actually the same height- but I still say I'm taller...and of course he disagrees

Who is smarter? He's street smart and I'm book smart

Who can sing better? Me- but I love it when he tries! :)

Who can dance better? I'd like to think its me...but we both pretty much stink!

Who pays the bills? I do

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? he does

Who mows the lawn? Usually me- I like doing yard work- gives me time to think away from the and spinning metal blades don't go that well together, you know! :)

Who cooks dinner? 90% of the time its John

Who drives? He does

Who kissed who first? I kissed him - caught him way off guard!

Who asked who out? Nobody ever really officially asked - we both broke up with our then current significant other a few weeks after meeting and have been together since. He did, however, ask my older brother for permission to date me... if that counts. (John and my brother were good friends and he didn't want to cross any lines.)

Who has more siblings? Me; I have two and he has one

Who wears the pants? I do- and John freely admits it although we both do our fair share. It may be he's just letting me think I wear them...but either way it works!

Who is more stubborn? me...hands down!

Who proposed to whom?
Neither of us- but I definitely implied there be a wedding

Who has more friends?
That's a toss up... we are both pretty much homebodies

Whose parents do you see the most? hmmm- that's another toss up- we see both of our parents pretty regularly.

Who is the most sensitive? probably me...I mean I'm more vocal about my feelings

Who is more romantic? hmmmm- I'd have to think about that one...neither one of us really are- and that's ok

Who is more spontaneous? probably me

Who is the most humorous? probably me- I like to laugh and make people laugh

Who is the first to admit they're wrong? HA! We're never least we'd never admit it out loud!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are sweet!