Thursday, October 08, 2009

Love Thy Neighbor

One thing I am completely going to miss when we finally do move...are our neighbors! For the most part...I really like them! And there's such a variety too!

We have a widow lady across the street with the most adorable grandchildren, a sweet elderly couple (even though he is a compulsive mower) next door- the children have adopted them as surrogate grandparents, a middle-aged couple to the side of us who absolutely adore our children and keep their landscaping picture perfect, and another family across the street, with whom John can hang out with when the estrogen levels are at deathcom 5. They always find something to tinker with in the garage..or build something...or talk about building know- 'manly stuff'.

We broke the news to the neighbors before the FOR SALE sign went up and they were all bummed we'd be moving- it was sweet! One of them even threatened to make a ruckus during open houses to scare off potential buyers...wasn't that sweet! :)

Its gotten to the point now where I feel like I'm in that movie with Chevy Chase...where he moves into a small country town and nobody likes him, so when he finally gives in and decides to sell the house- and then the whole town becomes really nice and living versions of Norman Rockwell. Its kind of the same!

They have all been doing a lovely job of keeping their lawns mowed and manicured, some have put out fall flowers on their porches, moving street parked cars down the block during open houses and some have become spies...spying on potential buyers during showings and openhouses. Its really quite funny! They have feedback for us everytime...they didn't stay very long or they were there a long time and were smiling when they left or there was a hot blond at your open house- sell your house to her!

Gotta love them! I hope the people who buy our house realize how lucky they are!

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