Monday, February 25, 2013


Our twinnies had their very first Science Olympiad competition this past weekend. They competed in several events including Astronomy, Chemistry, Creative Design, Write it Do it, Forensics and will be adding Thermodynamics to their events in April.

It was a regional highschool (9th-12th graders) competition held in Omaha. It isn't grade specific so they can compete against 12th graders in any given event. It included 30 different highschools.

Now our twins are brainy rather than sporty. Kwynn is into Astronomy, writing, languages, arts and robotics. McKynna is more into the mathematical sciences like Chemistry, Forensics, biology etc. Both have their strengths and both are exceptionally intelligent. Not like 'skip grades and complete college before 20' smart...but intelligent, quick learners that have the ability to excel in whatever they put their minds to!

They were a bit nervous and not sure what all was involved. I could feel the anticipation and anxiety as we drove to the school for pickup. We talked about how it was just a learning competition. Take it in, learn, figure out what you need to study or adjustments to you need to make for the State competition in April. Set no expectations and have no disappointments.

I thought of them all day. Hoping all was well and knew they were doing their best.

I finally got the text to meet them for pick up at the school. I quickly texted back wanting to know the details.

Both did great. Learned alot and feel much better about April's contest.  Kwynn took third in Write it Do event she hadn't even practiced for. But their highschool didn't have a team competing in that event and Kwynn had an open spot on her schedule. So she partnered up with a friend. AND they got THIRD...craziness!

The other events were learning experiences. The twins chose events that consisted mainly of 11th and 12th graders. The twins chose them because they like the subjects. Other students chose them because they are science classes offered to upper classmen. Like McKynna is doing a Chemistry event- which isn't offered in highschool until 11th grade. She still did really well and has a new a partner thats helping tutor her.

So so proud of them! Love them! And are blessed to have them as kiddos!

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