Today Corynn has her kindergarten check up. Can you say - yipppeee! (insert eyeroll here) No seriously - this is one of the worst parts of being a parent. You think its bad when they're babies- but they don't really know what's going on and a bottle usually calms them right down. Now that she's older - it tends to traumatize... both her and I.
I still have nightmares about the twins' check up. It took four nurses and John to get Kwynn's done. She's screaming bloody murder- meanwhile McKynna is hiding under a chair, gripping the legs of it for dear life. When it was her turn- we had to drag her kicking, screaming and still holding on to the chair. We had to pry her loose and hold her down as well. And Corynn was just a baby- but she was crying because of all the chaos and noise. This all took place in a little 8x8 examination about a crappy experience.
And today is Corynn's turn. yeah
I'm so sorry! I get to go next month with Jonah, so I feel the dread as well!
Yeah - I've got to take Anna soon too. My only consolation is she did really well getting her flu shot this year. How many shots do they get for kindergarten?
Good luck! Use bribery!
well we survived! The nurse was super crazy. There was only one nurse on duty so instead of doing two at a time we had three individual shots that she dragged out for fifteen minutes.
She thought I could hold her down by myself- did I mention she was stupid?. Corynn shrugged hard after the first poke and snapped off the needle. Blood was eerywhere. It took her five minutes to get another tech and a new needle. Then she proceeded to try and chat with Corynn in between shots (there are three that they get) while Corynn of course is screaming bloody murder...ya- super crazy!
She did it and I only had to promise she'd never have to do that again! poor kid!
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