As a mom of some very busy girls- I've come to accept the fact that a HUGE part of my day is spent in the car...playing taxi-driver. I've learned how to utilize those precious minutes you spending waiting...waiting for the bell to ring, waiting for the bus, waiting for a lesson to finish, waiting for whatever.
I always a have a book in the car, a note pad to jot down any last minute errands or something that needs to be done or just to make a list (oh how I
love lists!), and lately I've been working on crossword puzzles...and I do them in
I'm such a rebel!But then there's the actual driving part- where you have to focus on driving, street signs, your fellow drivers and try to block out the bickering coming from the back seat. A great way to do this is
music! I am one of those people who turns the radio way up and sings along with the artist. I try to steer clear of questionable music since my children are in the van with me. The variety is vast subject to various radio stations. A little primary music is thrown in the mix too!
Anyhoo- I used to just sing along as I was driving and then quit when I got to a stop light...afraid that people might think I'm a crazy person and point at the psycho soccer mom jammin out one car over.
And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about- I know you've all done it! A really good song comes on- you crank it up and let loose, but then- just as your getting to the good part- you hit a stoplight, turn it down slightly and softly hum the words under your breath. You may even tap the steering wheel- but not in rhythm with the music- more as a result of your frustration at the dang stop light that won't turn so you can get on with your song.
Well, about three months ago I pulled up to a stop light and noticed this car next to was swaying back and forth. I looked over and the lady in the car was probably in her mid- forties and was rockin out to something on the radio (or at least I hope there was some music playing somewhere- otherwise that may be a little nuts-so!) She was shaking her head back and forth, banging on the steering wheel as if it were a drum set and wailing to her hearts content!
My first instinct was to laugh, but then I thought, huh!? How would it be to be that free and unselfconscious? Not caring about the stranger in the car next to you. Living in the moment and enjoying a good song! So I started thinking- why don't I do that? I don't know many people in town anyway and who cares if someone sees me singing (rather loudly). I'm not trying to win a 'cool' contests. Plus, there's
no way I'd look as crazy as she did!
So from that moment on I decided to free myself- and now I indulge in every good song that comes on the radio. My kids even get into it! Although, I'm sure in a few months the twins will ridicule me and beg me stop being so spastic. But until that time comes la freakin la, baby!
So if you happen up to a tan van at stop light and the lady driving is singing herself in to a seizure-like fit...its probably me! :)
Rock on and have an awesome Easter weekend!